About Ralfee

Ralfee Finn is the creator of The Aquarium Age, a monthly astrology column published nation-wide.
Ralfee has an MA in Cultural Astronomy and currently teaches a course entitled "The Sacred Sky" at Hunter College, City University of New York. See video excerpt.
Born an Irish Jew, Ralfee was raised in Harlem by Marxists. Her professional life reflects the diversity of her cultural heritage. Among her "past lives" in this life, Ralfee produced jingles for TV and radio advertisements. She also produced an Off Broadway theater piece, "Leftovers: The Ups and Downs of a Compulsive Eater."
Committed to compassion, knowledge, and growth, Ralfee brings the gifts of clarity and common sense to the often-confusing waters of metaphysics and new age philosophy.
Ralfee's greatest ally is humor. Her ability to laugh at the ironies of life gives birth to a broad, down to earth, spiritual perspective. As a writer, Ralfee shares her heart, offering readers inspiration and useful wisdom born from experience.
For additional information. E-mail Ralfee