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Welcome to The Aquarium Age

Part of astrology's power and perhaps the reason it seems to survive the tides of cultural change is its ability to contextualize life events. Astrology delineates cycles and that can be a comfort, especially if we are in a bad patch and desperately in need of reassurance that patch will not last forever. But more importantly, astrology speaks to the soul -- it tells the personal story as part of a much larger universal story, and that expanded vision has the power to both soothe and inspire. Telling an individual story through a larger archetypal or mythological framework offers the possibility of connection, direction, and purpose.

Weekly Frequency

August 21 - 27, 2024
My apologies for going MIA in January and not communicating since.Read More Print Version

Astrologer, Ralfee Finn

Committed to compassion, knowledge, and growth, Ralfee brings the gifts of clarity and common sense to the often-confusing waters of metaphysics and new age philosophy.

Read Ralfee's Biography

View video "Finding the Stars in the City" at Hayden Planetarium, American Museum of Natural History, NYC.

For the last several years I’ve been teaching a course at Hunter College, City University of New York, entitled The Sacred Sky: Astrology in World Religion. Recently, I participated in a conference held at the Hayden Planetarium, here in New York City, where I presented a video of interviews with former students about how the course changed their awareness of the sky.

A retrospective on the future: A talk given in January 2018 about the astrology for 2020 -2022.

Saturn/Pluto 2020 Part 1

Saturn/Pluto 2020 Part 2

Saturn/Pluto 2020 Part 3

Saturn/Pluto 2020 Part 4